Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Open Letter to Adobe

Dear Adobe,

     Every time you update, is it really necessary to add yet another shortcut to the user's desktop? Even though we DELETE this every time it comes up? Most programs politely ask if they can create a desktop shortcut, but not you. Please change your ways...

Thank you,
Jay Harrison

Friday, August 12, 2011

What is an HP Q3093-80004 Adapter, and What Does It Do?

The HP Q3093-80004 Adapter is a very simple, non-proprietary part. It has no internal resistors, nor does it swap polarity, as some have suggested. The Q3093-80004 is often erroneously referred to as a "Two to four wire phone cord adaptor" (do a Google search on it). It is not a two-to-four adapter, rather a 4-to-2 wire adapter (or in other words, a 2-line to 1-line adapter). It simply strips out the the second line (and third, if present) outside pair(s) on an RJ11 phone wire. This can be easily done yourself with a few common parts. I've seen these adapters selling online for around $15-$25, and have even seen some places priced at $50-$100+ for this adapter.

Here's how to assemble one yourself, for about a buck:
Get 1 RJ11 coupler (~50¢), and one 2-wire (single line) phone cord (~50¢). Plug your multi-line cord into the RJ11 coupler, then your 1-line (2-wire only) cord into the other side. Plug the end of your single-line cord into the device that requires the additional lines stripped out - HP fax machine, or whatever - and you will have stripped out the other line(s). Now you have your very own HP Q3093-80004 Adapter.

Final notes: I don't believe that the Q3093-80004 was created by HP just to sell adapters (as a few individuals have accused). I believe it was an afterthought work-around to poor initial engineering. This could have been easily fixed in the hardware in the first place, to ignore any second (or third) lines on the other pins.

Have a fanTECHtic day!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The real way to get rid of "Windows Protection Servant":

The real way to get rid of "Windows Protection Servant" is to use the Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 (link).
This is put out by a real AV company, who's on the ball.

Be sure to run an update after you're safely booted into it.

Also, you'll need an Image burner to burn the ISO file (link).

Be wary of many sites that honestly admit that Windows Protection Servant is a FakeAV, then deceitfully point you to download a "patch" that itself is more bogus malware.