Friday, December 29, 2017

Hat's off to @Apple for how they are addressing the battery/slow-down problem in 2018 with new Battery Health meter, and -$50 off battery replacements for older phones!

from Twitter

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The ONLY negative about @MyStraightTalk is that they Block the ability to Hotspot with my iPhone. Please fix this ASAP. We pay for the Data, we should be able to use it however we want (on the phone or a laptop).

from Twitter

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Hi @SGgrc You mentioned Signal on the Desktop recently on SN, have you also tried Telegram? It's open-source and available on nearly every OS/mobile system. I'd be interested to hear your take on @telegram, Steve and @leolaporte!

from Twitter

Monday, October 30, 2017

In @HowToGeek's article You should have also offered @Telegram as a wi-fi calling option. It works GREAT for this!!

from Twitter

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Thanks @Apple for building QRC reader into the Camera app in iOS 11 -- it's about time! Now Promote it!!

from Twitter

Tuesday, October 03, 2017


Algorithmically generated ring tones.
All unique. 
Some interesting math here too. 
Read about it in the "How it Works" section.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

So @RakutenUS "updates" their website, and loses all customer's Order History and Wish Lists. What a foolish and lazy move on their part...

from Twitter

Sunday, August 13, 2017

To @Apple, please make a way to turn off Siri's "witty" remarks to simple tasks, like setting a timer. Same four jokes, over and over and...

from Twitter

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Kudos to @RandPaul for fighting Civil Asset Forfeiture. Americans are supposed to be Innocent until Proven Guilty.

from Twitter

Sunday, July 30, 2017

@bollingermotors What's the Retail Price expected to be?

from Twitter

Friday, July 28, 2017

@bollingermotors Love the B1 off-roader concept Truck! When can we BUY one?! ;)

from Twitter

Thursday, July 27, 2017

@camelfarmer why does @Amazon not allow camelcamelcamel to track "Kindle Edition" products?

from Twitter

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Wrong @SCMagazine to link @telegram in Headline of story Trying Guilt-by-Association, just bc badguys use it too??

from Twitter

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

The @NintendoAmerica Super NES Classic is a Great Idea! (I hope you make enough this time.) But were is *Super Mario All-Stars* ?? So sad...

from Twitter

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Explanation of Bitcoin

Here is a good, simple, non-tech-jargon explanation of Bitcoin and Blockchain:

Hope that helps!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Why @WinnDixie do I need to "Activate" any/all @PlentiRewards Offers manually?? Just make it automatic! +YES to ALL+ This is tedious & dumb.

from Twitter

Monday, June 19, 2017

How To Delete Gmail Older Than X-number of Years

Recently I had the opportunity to help a friend that was approaching the space-limit for his Gmail account. He needed a quick way to delete all email older than three years old. Google has made this really easy. In the search bar, type older_than:3y

And this will display all email older than that date. You can simply check the [_] all box, and the link to select all conversations that match this and trash them.

This might take a few minutes if you have a LOT of mail that needs to be filtered through. But be patient and let it finish.

Then go to your Trash label, and check the [_] all box, and the link to select all conversations that match this and [Delete Forever] them.

UPDATE (20190513): You can also search based on file size, so for example "older_than:7y size:10m" would search Gmail for all emails that are older_than 7 years, and larger than 10MB.

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Welcome to a New Era in Messaging -- Telegram

The single unified multi-platform open-source secure multimedia Instant Messenger I've been looking for!

Welcome to:

I am extremely impressed with the design and execution of this application:

  • It truly does run on nearly every platform and is very consistent across multiple platforms.
  • Cloud Based Device Synchronization: Telegram intelligently runs on multiple devices, and knows when you've viewed a message, and clears the "new message" badge from other devices.
  • Chat on PC, Cell, Tablet, etc. and switch between them seamlessly.
  • Can be used even on WiFi only devices (like kid's phone &/or tablet)
  • Can make Voice Calls on WiFi or cell-data between Telegram clients.
  • Group chats with up to 5000 simultaneous participants
  • Voice memos in-chat.
  • Send images, documents, and files of any type. 
  • There is no need to worry about disk space on your device. With Telegram’s cloud support and cache management options, Telegram can take up nearly zero space on your phone.
  • There's no username/password to keep up with - simply sign up using a textable mobile phone and you can authenticate other devices from there.
  • It uses the wonderfully good emoji set from iOS.
  • Secure and Encrypted Communication.
  • Fastest IM client available today.
  • Telegram is FREE and Open-Source. And will stay free — no ads, no subscription fees, forever.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Audio Ambiance Loops

Great site for music + ambiance loops!

You can play them right from the site, or even download DRM-free MP3 files!


Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Dismal and Depressing End to Deep Space Nine


Don't read on, If you haven't watched Deep Space Nine (DS9), or haven't finished watching it...

Here goes...




I admit, it's been a long time since I had watched DS9 -- probably at least 15 years ago. Long enough that I hardly remembered any of it. So it was time to watch it a second time. I started about a year ago, and we just finished the whole series last night.

I didn't remember the end being so dismal and depressing! In fact, I vaguely thought Kira was going to be allowed to become a shape-shifter and join her love Odo in the Great Link. Nothing of the sort.

Let's review the outcomes for the cast of DS9 - and you tell me, does this seem depressing to you?!

• The great leader and protagonist of the entire show, Captain Benjamin Sisko, dies in the end.
• Newlywed Kasidy Yates Sisko is left alone as pregnant widow by the death of her husband.
• Jake Sisko is left deserted to roam the station as an orphan... (His mother died in the beginning of the series, and now his father has died at the end.)
• Odo deserts the Federation, defects to join [and cure] the enemy Founders; and in doing so, dumps his love Kira Nerys.
• Kira, abandoned by Odo, and pushed into command by the death of Sisko, now has to run the station alone.
• Miles O'Brien, still just an enlisted man (no officer promotion in the whole series?!) takes some teaching job at Starfleet on Earth, and in doing so abandons his best friend of many years, the doctor;
• Dr Julian Bashir remains to toil on at his same post indefinitely, and friendless now that Miles and Garak have both left... At least he has some nascent relationship with the perpetually confused Ezri Dax¿
• Jadzia Dax? Oh yeah, she was killed off last season.
• Quark - teased that he was going to become Grand Nagus of Ferenginar, gets usurped by his younger brother Rom.
• Worf leaves the station, abdicates his Starfleet comission, and becomes a bureaucrat on the Klingon home world.
• The Great Klingon Warrior, General Martok, gets to live the rest of his days as a politician on Qo'noS...
• Gowron, Chancellor of the Klingon High Council, is killed by Worf.
• Garak, finally makes it home to his beloved Cardassia - from where he has been exiled from for the entire series - only to be devastated by the near genocide of his entire race by the Dominion. Everyone he knew and loved is dead, his home is gone, the culture he knew is gone, and he's not even appointed to lead his people (so far as we know).
• The newly-heroic rebel leader, Leggett Damar, dies just inches away from regaining his former position as leader of his Cardassian people.
• Kai Winn is incenerated - burned alive by Dukat.
• Gul Dukat is killed by Sisko's kamikaze suicide plunge to death, and is forever damned to exist as a spirit with the Pah-wraiths of the Bajoran Fire Caves for eternity.
• Weyoun9, the last of his clones, also dies (killed by Garak).
• The Female Shapeshifter, Founder and leader of the Dominion, is forced to surrender. Tried and convicted as a galactic war criminal.

Seem pretty dark and dismal to me... I don't remember thinking that the last time I watched this...

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Kuddos to @Microsoft for Patching Windows XP & Server 2003 against WannaCrypt, even though those OSs are expired. 👍

from Twitter

Thursday, May 11, 2017

The ditching of GoogleTalk by @Google is a Bad Move on their part. Why drop a hugely successful IM client?! "Hangouts" is a poor substitute.

from Twitter

My @yourKarma unit let me down this weekend. And their email support is terrible. Site says no phone support. Is there any way to get help?!

from Twitter

The information in @amazon's product questions is great! But is there any good way to SEARCH those Q&As? There has got to be a way!?!

from Twitter

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Kuddos to @JoelGHodgson and all the staff at the New @MST3K on @netflix! You've done a Great Job on the reboot and kept it funny and clean!!

from Twitter

Monday, April 17, 2017

I will buy a new iPhone @Apple when you add Qi-style wireless charging ability natively into the phone!

from Twitter

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

I usually listen to SN podcasts with my kids in the car - but Ep. #604 had to be cut off. @SGgrc and @leolaporte you should know better...

from Twitter

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Come on @Google can't you add FAXing ability to @googlevoice service? This seems like an obvious instant software improvement to GoogleVoice

from Twitter

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

VirusTotal Multi-AV File Scanning

Recently, a colleague of mine had a website that was being blocked by both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox for having "potentially unwanted software":

He was quite sure that the EXE download that he was hosting was indeed safe, and had tested it with several desktop AntiVirus (AV) programs that had all passed his file as OK.

As it turns out, his file was good, but the wrapping software (to make a 30-day trial out of the program) was old, out of date, and had been hacked by others, on other sites (but apparently not his).

The only way we were made aware of this was by running the file through VirusTotal's website:

Virus Total logo
VirusTotal is a free service that analyzes suspicious files and URLs and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware.

They have the ability to upload a file, recognize it uniquely by it's SHA256 hash, and run it against around 60 AV programs, and give you an output:

And even a link that you can share with others so they can view the same results.

I've been looking for something like this for a while, and am glad to see that VirusTotal is making this happen.

Since it's news to me, I'm sharing it with you!



Wednesday, February 08, 2017

In your Printer article, @DougOlenick, why didn't you get a copy of an actual Print and include it?? We want to see!

from Twitter

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Kill the Tabs in Notepad++

"create a totally empty file called 'asNotepad.xml' and put it in the Notepad++ directory at the same level as the notepad++.exe file"

Thank you ioSamurai from source!