Hat's off to @Apple for how they are addressing the battery/slow-down problem in 2018 with new Battery Health meter, and -$50 off battery replacements for older phones!
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) December 29, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/twrj
Hat's off to @Apple for how they are addressing the battery/slow-down problem in 2018 with new Battery Health meter, and -$50 off battery replacements for older phones!
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) December 29, 2017
The ONLY negative about @MyStraightTalk is that they Block the ability to Hotspot with my iPhone. Please fix this ASAP. We pay for the Data, we should be able to use it however we want (on the phone or a laptop).
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) November 21, 2017
Hi @SGgrc You mentioned Signal on the Desktop recently on SN, have you also tried Telegram? It's open-source and available on nearly every OS/mobile system. I'd be interested to hear your take on @telegram, Steve and @leolaporte!
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) November 16, 2017
In @HowToGeek's article https://t.co/74b7EUCOmy You should have also offered @Telegram as a wi-fi calling option. It works GREAT for this!!
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) October 30, 2017
Thanks @Apple for building QRC reader into the Camera app in iOS 11 -- it's about time! Now Promote it!! https://t.co/uDcCFdcMq3
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) October 24, 2017
So @RakutenUS "updates" their website, and loses all customer's Order History and Wish Lists. What a foolish and lazy move on their part...
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) September 14, 2017
To @Apple, please make a way to turn off Siri's "witty" remarks to simple tasks, like setting a timer. Same four jokes, over and over and...
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) August 13, 2017
Kudos to @RandPaul for fighting Civil Asset Forfeiture. Americans are supposed to be Innocent until Proven Guilty. https://t.co/JxRYqHNjMY
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) August 3, 2017
What's the Retail Price expected to be?
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) July 30, 2017
@bollingermotors Love the B1 off-roader concept Truck! https://t.co/0lFqhJHt0K When can we BUY one?! ;)
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) July 28, 2017
@camelfarmer why does @Amazon not allow camelcamelcamel to track "Kindle Edition" products?
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) July 27, 2017
Wrong @SCMagazine to link @telegram in Headline of story https://t.co/0xKlTmJki6 Trying Guilt-by-Association, just bc badguys use it too??
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) July 12, 2017
The @NintendoAmerica Super NES Classic is a Great Idea! (I hope you make enough this time.) But were is *Super Mario All-Stars* ?? So sad...
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) July 5, 2017
Why @WinnDixie do I need to "Activate" any/all @PlentiRewards Offers manually?? Just make it automatic! +YES to ALL+ This is tedious & dumb.
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) June 28, 2017
Kuddos to @Microsoft for Patching Windows XP & Server 2003 against WannaCrypt, even though those OSs are expired. 👍 https://t.co/iSzZbCrsO7
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) May 17, 2017
The ditching of GoogleTalk by @Google is a Bad Move on their part. Why drop a hugely successful IM client?! "Hangouts" is a poor substitute.
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) May 11, 2017
My @yourKarma unit let me down this weekend. And their email support is terrible. Site says no phone support. Is there any way to get help?!
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) May 11, 2017
The information in @amazon's product questions is great! But is there any good way to SEARCH those Q&As? There has got to be a way!?!
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) May 11, 2017
Kuddos to @JoelGHodgson and all the staff at the New @MST3K on @netflix! You've done a Great Job on the reboot and kept it funny and clean!!
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) May 3, 2017
I will buy a new iPhone @Apple when you add Qi-style wireless charging ability natively into the phone!
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) April 17, 2017
I usually listen to SN podcasts with my kids in the car - but Ep. #604 had to be cut off. @SGgrc and @leolaporte you should know better...
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) March 29, 2017
Come on @Google can't you add FAXing ability to @googlevoice service? This seems like an obvious instant software improvement to GoogleVoice
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) February 16, 2017
VirusTotal is a free service that analyzes suspicious files and URLs and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware.
In your Printer article https://t.co/E6OxSKfE1p, @DougOlenick, why didn't you get a copy of an actual Print and include it?? We want to see!
— Jay Harrison (@twrj) February 8, 2017