Tuesday, May 15, 2018

@MyStraightTalk WHY not?? You're getting PAID for the data - and wanting to sell more in 5GB and 10GB packages! MAKE HOT-SPOTTING HAPPEN @MyStraightTalk!!

from Twitter https://twitter.com/twrj

@torsaaan @howtogeek Great suggestion - thank you @torsaaan! However, there's got to be a FREE alternative for this. The company that does it should be able to [anonymously] leverage some value from this (like what sites are truly most popular) using the data they would aggregate and facilitate, no?

from Twitter https://twitter.com/twrj

@VimeoStaff That's nice that Speed Control a [remote] possibility, IF a paying-creator remembers to manually enable it. But it OFF by default, and not USER controlled. If @vimeo wants to compete with YT, you need to step it up; and empower the USER's Playback options with Speed Controls.

from Twitter https://twitter.com/twrj

Thursday, May 03, 2018

@littlecaesars Your mobile app NEEDS IMPROVEMENT! [1] It should at least remember my username. [2] And be able to use TouchID for my password. [3] It should remember my local store!!

from Twitter https://twitter.com/twrj